With the ever-changing economic climate, I recognized that there was a real need for more cost-effective small businesses. I also firmly believe that there is a need within the engineering industry for quality professionals, not quantity, and that this lacking has led to a misunderstanding of the extreme usefulness that this field has to offer.
MCS is here to provide specialized services, without the specialized price. In these tough economic times, I’ve seen colleagues with similar skill-sets put to task on other pursuits to remain billable (or let go), thereby lessening their value in the modeling and planning world. With many large firms unable to maintain modeling staff, I can offer my services in lieu of hiring new staff.
I also believe that hydraulic modeling in particular is a skillset best developed by those who truly find the field intriguing – it’s not for everyone. Over the past fifteen years I have developed a strong background in modeling, as well as relationships with key software personnel. To know that your input and suggestions can be realized and programmed into upcoming software releases is highly satisfactory! But again, modeling is not something every engineer can pick up and run with and be expected to produce quality analyses.
From these crucial revelations, MCS was born. We provide modeling services related to demand analyses, model development, model updates and maintenance, calibration and field testing, fire flow analyses, system optimization, model and data management, and training. I also provide all levels of system planning, from due diligence work through large-scale Master Plans. I'm very proud of our list of clients, and I invite you to review my resumé .
Thank you for visiting Mission Consulting Services, and I look forward to meeting with you in the future!
Jennifer R. Mael, P.E.
Dear Friends & Colleagues,
Hello, and welcome to Mission Consulting Services! Here at MCS, we pride ourselves in providing quality hydraulic modeling and planning services to our clients. I started this journey January 3, 2011 after working for a large engineering firm for over ten years. During that tenure, I was committed to two key services – hydraulic modeling (and all that goes into it); and planning. Being able to take a project from the very beginning, develop how a system will look, and mold it into something that appeals to everyone involved truly fascinated me, even to this day.